
親愛的外籍朋友們,今天教大家做一道豆腐皮料理,跟著以下步驟,你也可以變大廚唷^^"   為了照顧到不同國籍的外籍朋友們,我們準備了四種語言來向您介紹:
(1) 香菇6朵切絲(香菇洗淨、泡軟、去蒂、切絲;泡香菇的水可留1/2杯備用)。
(2) 榨菜絲1/2杯
(3) 胡蘿蔔絲1/2杯
(4) 熟筍絲1/2杯
(5) 內餡調味料-水2大匙,醬油1小匙、糖1小匙、太白粉1小匙。
(6) 素鵝調味料-醬油2小匙,糖1/4小匙。 
(1) 起油鍋,放入油2大匙燒熱,放入 (1)(2)(3)(4) 炒勻,加入(5) 拌炒均勻,分成三
(2) 將(5)加上香菇水拌勻成調味汁,舖上一張豆腐皮,刷上調味汁,重疊四張後
(3) 將做好的豆腐皮捲放入蒸籠內,以大火蒸五分鐘,取出待涼。
(4) 以3大匙麻油加熱去煎豆腐皮捲,小火慢煎至兩面呈金黃色,當外皮有點酥脆


12 sheets of beancurd wrapper,
(1) 6 pcs. mushroom cut into slices(wash the mushroom, soak in water until soften, cut off the stem and shred it. do not throw away the water, keep 1/2 cup for later use.)
(2) 1/2cup salted vegetable,
(3) 1/2cup carrot slices,
(4) 1/2cup cooked bamboo shoot.
(5) Seasoning for the fillings: 2 tbsp. water, and 1 tsp. soy sauce, 1tsp. sugar, and 1 tsp. cornstarch
(6) Seasoning for the vegetarian goose: 2 tsp. soy sauce, 1/4 tsp. sugar 
(1)  prepare the cooking pan, heat 2 Tbsp. oil , then put in all the ingredients. Fry evenly and add seasonings for the fillings, mix and stir-fry evenly. Divide it into 3 servings for later use.
(2) Take the seasoning for the vegetarian goose, add mushroom water and stir evenly to make seasoning sauce. Spread 1 pc. beancurd sheet, brush it with seasoning sauce, spread 2nd pc. on top overlapping the 1st sheet, then brush with sauce again, repeat the same procedure with 3rd and 4th sheet. Take 1 serving of filling and put it on the beancurd wrapper, then roll it. You can make 3 rolls out of 12 sheets. 
(3) Put the rolls into a bamboo steam basket and steam for 5 min using big flame. Take it out and let it cool
(4)  Heat 3 Tbsp. sesame oil and fry the rolls. Turn into small flame and fry until the surface become crispy and turns to golden brown. Take it out, let it cool off and cut into thick slices. it is ready to serve.

Bebek Vegetarian

kulit tahu 12 lembar,
(1) jamur 6 keping, (jamur dicuci bersih, direndam hingga lembut, buang tangkainya, iris tipis, air jamur sisakan 1/2 gelas)
(2) sayur asin irisan 1/2 gelas,
(3) wortel irisan 1/2 gelas,
(4) irisan rebung masak 1/2 gelas
(5) bumbu perasa bahan isi - air 2 sendok, kecap asin 1 sendok kecil, gula pasir 1 sendok kecil, tepung kanji 1 sendok kecil,
(6) bumbu perasa bebek vegetarian - kecap asin 2 sendok kecil, gula pasir 1/4 sendok kecil 
  (1) Panaskan kuali, panaskan 2 sendok minyak, masukkan bahan (1), (2), (3), (4), aduk rata, masukkan bahan (5) aduk rata, dibagi 3 bagian, merupakan bahan isi.
(2) Masukkan bahan (6) dan air rendaman jamur, diaduk, menjadi bumbu perasa. Beberkan selembar kulit tahu, olesi bumbu perasa, lalu ditempelkan selembar kulit tahu lagi, olesi bumbu perasa, seterusnya hingga menjadi 4 lapis, letakkan bahan isi, gulung menjadi segulung panjang.
(3)  Gulungan yang sudah jadi dimasukkan dalam panci pengukus, kukus dengan api besar 5 menit, angkat, dinginkan.
(4) Goreng gulungan yang sudah dikukus dengan minyak wijen, gunakan api kecil digoreng hingga kedua permukaan berwarna kuning keemasan, angkat, setelah dingin, iris agak tebal miring-miring. Bebek vegetarian siap dihidangkan.
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    創作者 外籍勞工 充電站 的頭像
    外籍勞工 充電站

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